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Application Process & Exam for the 300hr YTT



  1. Please CLICK HERE to begin your application

  2. There are two steps of the application, complete step one, and follow the guides to step two. 

  3. Once submitted, we will notify you within one week of receiving your application as to your acceptance into the program. 

  4. You will then be sent a link to pay a $150 application fee.

  5. Once you have completed all of your 7 modules, you will be sent a final exam

  6. Once you have competed and sent back the final exam and pass, you will receive your 300hr Certification. 


Application Fee note and explanation: The related application fee is a part of how we manage the many aspects of your training experience including but not limited to all of the administration costs of carrying each student through an organised process as well the certification involved.

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