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Pre Recorded Training Online

Approximately 40hrs of Recorded Lectures & Practices

Life-time access to content



NOW $325USD (limited time only)

Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist Level 2

This 5-day Level 2 intensive is the sequel to the 50hr Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist Training (pre-requisite). You will build on your understanding of the Ayurvedic principles from the level 1 AYS learning to more accurately personalise practices and give helpful and powerful basic lifestyle recommendations to students or clients.  


There will be a strong focus on your personal dinacharya (daily practices) and lifestyles including a more detailed session on Ayurvedic Nutrition with Mia.  Refining and empowering our-selves is the first step to being able to confidently and effectively help others.  


Through the experience you will gain a more in-depth understanding of how to read Prakruti in yourself and others through physical assessment and other characteristics. We will also apply the principles to accurately read Vikruti through signs and symptoms presented in various ways in the body, mind, voice, or actions of either yourself or a client/student. We will dive into some case studies together teaching you how to read people and imbalances from an Ayurvedic perspective and most effectively prescribe a set of recommendations and practices based on your observations.  And a whole lot more!  


The basis of this training is to refine and deepen your understanding, knowledge, experience, and skills using these dynamic ancient systems of Ayurveda and Yoga.  There is no better teacher than direct experience!


Topics Covered


  • Customise Dinacharya for yourself and students/clients

  • Learn more Ayurvedic diagnostic tools

  • Communication through the Ayurvedic Lens

  • Understanding Ayurvedic Psychology and Relationships

  • Learn to give basic lifestyle recommendations to students/clients

  • Ayurvedic Nutrition and food sadhana (food combining, seasonal eating etc)

  • Putting Ayurvedic Principles into action in your life and teaching

  • Explore case studies to better understand various applications 

  • Ayurvedic Perspective of colours, music/sound and other sensory therapies

  • Plus more


Students wishing to be certified in this module will need to obtain the required reading text, that will be used throughout the training and also in the prescribed homework assignment.


Optional Reading Text: Healing Your Life: Lessons on the Path of Ayurveda



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